Thursday, November 19, 2009

Remembrance, Holidays, and Gifts

Present and Heart. Photograph. Romantic Inspirations. Web. 17 Nov. 2009. .

When separated for the holidays, its difficult to show your boyfriend or girlfriend how much you truly appreciate them, and especially with the tight budget of a college student, but here are some helpful tips that can make the holidays apart go a bit smoother.

1. Try making a handmade care package of some of the things you know your loved one would appreciate.  C3, the convenience store in Coates carries all sorts of candies, cookies and treats you can send.  Also, the Trinity bookstore carries cards and decorative paper for stationary purposes.  Fill a box with goodies, love letters and photographs for a sure Christmas gift.  Even stores off campus like Michael's in the Quarry carry tons of holiday decorations to make sure your gift is bursting with tinsel and holiday cheer.

2.  If your artistically challenged or think you lack creativity, maybe an E-Card or simple letter is for you.  There are plenty of internet resources out there to help you write a silly love poem, or even decorate a beloved picture. There is a site called Picnik, that enables a user to decorate a photo they upload with a variety of "stickers", text and special effects.  Also, you can never go wrong with a lyrical love letter!

3. Another option is gifting in someone's honor or place, which is easy and charitable.  Trinity does the Angel Tree, in which students buy gifts for a child that would otherwise be gift-less.  If charity and community service is you or your loved one's passion then maybe choosing an Angel from the Angel Tree and making a child's Christmas is better than any material item.

Basically, when it comes to the holidays, its like the saying goes, "it's the thought that counts", any gift, no matter how cheap or insignificant will be appreciated, especially when it comes to that special person. A box of christmas cookies, love letters, goofy pictures or the name of the Angel from the Angel Tree will suffice in putting a smile on your loved one's face.

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