Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Being communicative and involved!

Have A Long Distance Relationship that Works. 2009. Photograph. Primer Magazine. By Sydney Pendle. Web. 6 Oct. 2009. .

When your in a long distance relationship, its pivotal to the success of the relationship to be communicative. Being communicative and being receptive to your partner's feelings is very important.  The distance eliminates many aspects of communication, therefore vocalizing emotions becomes central to long distance relationships. Also, it is important to try and establish common activities that you and your partner make partake in at your different schools.  Here at Trinity, its easy to get wrapped up in Nacho Hour, the Study Abroad fair and other activities, try and convince your partner to join clubs, teams or groups and his/her school also.  The time you spend doing activities helps take up time you might otherwise be spending moping and pining for your girlfriend or boyfriend.  Also, by joining a club or team, you have creating a conversation topic and established something you can share with your significant other.  There are many activities and clubs here at Trinity that can help alleviate some of the sadness that comes along with being separated from someone you admire.  Continually, things like intramural sports and Amnesty International offer an outing that some people dearly miss when they are not able to go out with their boyfriend or girlfriend.

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